
What is Ecology?

Ecology (or natural science) is the science that studies the relationships of living things with each other and with their environment. An ecosystem is the whole of the living and non-living environment.

What Does Ecological Product Mean?
Organic (ecological) products are controlled and certified products (from seed to harvest and from harvest to end user) that are produced without the use of any chemical inputs, additives and methods harmful to humans and the ecosystem.

Today, it is very evident that the tendency of marketing practices have been  changed for environmental protection. This trend has developed mostly under pressure from conscious consumers, especially in countries with developed civil societies. Consumers are increasingly concerned about whether businesses can produce without polluting the environment, whether air and water pollution will continue, whether food contains harmful ingredients such as genetically modified organisms, food preservatives or food additives, and other similar issues. Current issues such as the protection of the environment, the production of ecologically clean products and the protection of natural resources have made it necessary to produce products that do not harm nature, are recyclable, do not contain substances harmful to human health and are completely chemically safe.

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What is Ecology?
  • What is Ecology?